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1x3 - Happiness Charge Precure!

The Secret is Out!? The Precure`s Identities Must Be Kept a Secret!!

Poster della serie Happiness Charge Precure!

Blue gives Megumi and Hime some Cure Line phones, so they can keep in contact with each other, before urging them to keep their identites as Pretty Cures a secret from their friends and families. However, Megumi has a hard time keeping things a secret from Seiji, who lives next door to her. The next day, during his morning run, Seiji encounters a Newspaper Saiark being led by another one of Queen Mirage's commanders, Hoshiiwa. Arriving on the scene to find Seiji beating up by the Choiark, Megumi and Hime choose to transform in front of him to protect him. After Megumi beats the Choiarks with her new form, Cherry Flamenco, she and Hime team up to defeat the Saiark. Afterwards, the girls, along with Blue, explain their situation to Seiji, who decides to help them out in fighting against the Saiark.

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16 Febbraio 2014
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