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1x3 - Unintentional Love Story

Episode 3

Poster della serie Unintentional Love Story

Won Young almost gets caught by Tae Joon while talking to the Vice-President, but he realises that Tae Joon only wants to give him his first finished pottery work as a present. Despite his happiness over the finished work, Won Young finds out that the inn he was staying at is going under construction, meaning he won't have anywhere to stay. Planning on finding a place, he continues working at the coffee shop but starts feeling ill. When arriving at the pottery class, Tae Joon sends him home to rest as he is clearly sick. After visiting the hospital and finding out it is more serious and he shall take a rest, he is taken in by Tae Joon, who offers to let him stay at his house. Despite their initial difficulties living together, they soon find common ground and grow closer. Dong Hee, who has no part-timer helping him anymore, struggles to keep the deliveries going. Ho Tae decides to come to his rescue and offers to help.

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24 Marzo 2023
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