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1x3 - Titans

Guess Who's Chumming for Dinner?

Poster della serie Titans

Peter still hopes to scuttle the Dress2K deal, but Richard and Heather return unexpectedly. Richard scolds Chandler for not telling him of Peter's betrayal. Heather unsuccessfully tries to put the moves on Peter. Samantha is appointed second-in-command of Dress2K. She actually likes Heather's ideas, and recommends throwing a Thursday dinner party (a Williams family tradition) to hit up the others for more money. Chandler and Samantha admit their feelings for each other. Heather spies them kissing in the garden. Laurie warns David about Jenny's drinking problem. Peter realizes the real reason for Heather's dinner party (thanks to her use of the worst segue in recorded history), and insults her. She throws a drink in his face. Jenny slips out in search of a drink, but David angrily confronts her and knocks her glass to the floor. She is surprised to find David at her AA meeting the next morning. He has been sober for seven years, but found himself tempted at the party. Ethan Benchley, th

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18 Ottobre 2000
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