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1x3 - Line Walker

Episode 3

Poster della serie Line Walker

MUK-WING is being cheated during betting. He tries to get back the money from his enemy but he is captured. Luckily, SIU-KA knew that KA-KEUNG will be in danger and she goes to rescue them. HO-KAN and FOON-HEI get to know each other in the prison. FOON-HEI is very upset to discover some prisoners trying to operate usury in the prison and HO-KAN tackles the problem. FOON-HEI is very pleased and he promises to offer works to him later. When TAK-FU tries to announce the result for operating the illegal betting business, SIU-KA arrives to help KA-KEUNG and KA-KEUNG wins eventually. SHIU-LEUNG tries to carry out investigation on the illegal betting syndicate but CHEUK HOI is not willing to cooperate with him. SHIU-LEUNG decides to get information from SIU-KA. HO-KAN is released from prison eventually and he starts working in a stock agency but two gangsters suddenly arrive to capture him.… ...

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27 Agosto 2014
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