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1x3 - Angolmois: Record of Mongol Invasion

Time to Strike

Poster della serie Angolmois: Record of Mongol Invasion

As the surviving Tsushima soldiers retreat, they are confronted by Jinzaburō wearing Tsushima armor who tells them to stop and fight the pursuing Goryeo soldiers. They are reluctant to follow an exile, but when Jinzaburō and some of the other exiles attack the pursuers, the Tsushima soldiers turn and follow them. Obusama Saburō, Shiraishi Kazuhisa and Hitari support the attack, forcing the invaders to fall back and regroup. Jinzaburō insists on pursuing them, however Abiru Yajirō urges caution and does not follow. Meanwhile, the exiles and supporting soldiers are surrounded by the more numerous invading forces, but led by Jinzaburō they manage to break through to their headquarters, slaying their general and his men before returning with the heads of the slain Sō Sukekuni and Umajirō. Teruhi entreats the villagers of Sasu to join them in defending the capital, but Jinzaburō insists on a night raid on the invaders. Abiru Yajirō disagrees and returns to the capital. Using Amushi as a lookout Jinzaburō prepares to lead them on a hit and run raid against the small invading force by moonlight. However they are betrayed by two Sasu villagers, and when villager Ginshichi tries to kill Jinzaburō from behind, Teruhi distracts him and is cut by his sword.

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25 Luglio 2018
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