Pagina dell'episodio'

1x3 - Touched by an Angel

Tough Love

Poster della serie Touched by an Angel

Monica serves as the personal assistant to Elizabeth Jessup, a prominent journalist, and the angel soon learns that her new assignment has a serious drinking problem. At a birthday party for her granddaughter Beth, Liz has too much to drink, which prompts her own daughter Sydney to take her daughter home. Soo afterwards, the newswoman makes a spectacle of herself while giving a speech at the Mayor's Centennial kick-off. This incident causes Sydney to stage an intervention for her mother with the help of Anita, a counselor at the New Hope Center. But this action backfires and an enraged Liz orders her guests to leave. Thenext day, Monica returns to work and learns that Liz started drinking to fit in with her male counterparts. Monica convinces her employer to visit the New Hope Center. However, upon seeing Anita, Liz loses her temper and storms out out othe the building. Although Sydney refuses to let Beth have contact with her grandmother, the child sneaks out to see Liz anyway

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12 Ottobre 1994
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