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1x3 - The Amanda Show

Episode 3

Poster della serie The Amanda Show

Amanda and her co-stars are eating, when Drake brings out a lobster to eat and the dancing lobsters are in the room, while he is eating it. When they see the cooked lobster, they get upset and leave the room worried and scared. Meanwhile, Amanda's attempts to open the show are interrupted once more by Penelope, this time arriving by special delivery. There's a family obsessed with wrestling, they start of waiting for there daughter before they eat dinner.... but the burgers are too hard to eat, so they order a pizza and demand it to be there in 10 seconds, when the pizza guy asks for the money, they start beating him up. There's also the girls room with amber the most popluar girl in school, there's also : one thats a hard nut, one that is an exchange student and one that's slow. Also theres the smelling bee, where they sniff a hobo with a sandwitch, an old ladie with bad arm pit smell & a rotten egg in a shoe and a rotten glass of milk in the other shoe.

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27 Novembre 1999
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