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1x3 - Haruka Nogizaka's Secret

It’s Over…

Poster della serie Haruka Nogizaka's Secret

The day before a test, Yūto comes over to Haruka's mansion and meets her younger sister Mika and two of her maids, Hazuki and Nanami. The next day at school, a guy bumps into Haruka which causes her bag to go flying which also exposes the Comiket catalog she had. Yūto manages to make everyone believe the catalog is actually his and Haruka only picked it up, though after this Haruka does not come to school for three days. He goes to see her where he finds out from Mika how her secret was exposed during middle school and she had to transfer schools due to being isolated from her peers. Yūto assures her that he will never leave her which relieves her so much that the next day she affirms after a short conflict that the catalog is actually hers.

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24 Luglio 2008
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