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1x3 - The Amazing Race

Home for Some

Poster della serie The Amazing Race

At the Arc de Triomphe, at departure times the teams are told to find La Grande Rue, a ferris wheel located somewhere in the city. They will have to get the route marker when the ferris wheel opens. When they get there, they are to do a detour. An ""Easy Walk"" where they must find Foucault's pendulum. There are two nearby, but you must chose the right one .Unfortunately for Pat and Brenda, they do chose the wrong one which puts them far behind the others. The second is ""Tough Climb"" in which the teams must climb to the top of Notre Dame and ring Quasimodo's bell. Kevin and Drew decide to go for the Fast Forward, where they have to retrieve it from a local coffee shop. Then they must head directly to the pit stop which is located in Chateau Les Baux. In the Roadblock, one of the team members must travel through the Paris sewers. Pat and Brenda are the last to arrive and are eliminated, going from 1st in Leg #2 to last in Leg #3.

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26 Settembre 2001
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