Pagina dell'episodio'

1x30 - Undressed

The Wrapper And The Rapper #2

Poster della serie Undressed

""Bi-Gones"" written by Tom Crehan & Steven S. DeKnight Before the INS man come over, Joan tells everyone that she had a job interview in San Diego. Samantha is shocked, and the INS comes over. They all lie about everything, and pass. Joan is about to leave, because it feels that Samantha didn't do anything for Joan, and look at all the stuff she did for Samantha. Samantha tells her that she loves her and don't go. Everyone ends up happy. ""The Wrapper And The Rapper"" written by Dina Marie Chapman Rhiannon dumps Ricky, after they go to a club and he hits on this girl. Rhiannon brings home Ollie (from the first episode, Great Continuity!) and well, Lea and Michael are surprised. Lea and Michael trouble is resolved, previously, they thought that she was pregant because the condom broke, and what seems like she was late, but isn't. But all the baby books that they was going through, they decide to keep it for future references, when Lea is really pregnant. ""Four In The Van"" written b

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3 Settembre 1999
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