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1x34 - Digimon Fusion

Don't Die Greymon!! The Birth of Shoutmon DX

Poster della serie Digimon Fusion

As Xros Heart find themselves in a pinch, they manage to escape when Lopmon makes himself glow white which spooks NeoVamdemon. Lopmon later reveals that NeoVamdemon's weakness is a legendary white Lopmon. As Kiriha and the rest of Xros Heart hold off NeoVamdemon's forces, Taiki along with Shoutmon and Lopmon head to an underground chamber, trying to search the white Lopmon but only to discover it to be a trap laid out by NeoVamdemon. When Shoutmon hears MetalGreymon's melody still responding, he allows himself to be DigiXrossed by NeoVamdemon, along with Lopmon, both of them try to convince MetalGreymon not to give up. Lopmon then summons all the captive Lopmon to form as white Lopmon which then enables Shoutmon and MetalGreymon to digivolving into OmegaShoutmon and ZeekGreymon. However, they are still in the disadvantages stage until Lopmon sacrifices himself to give Taiki and Kiriha the ability to perform a Double Xros, allowing OmegaShoutmon and ZeekGreymon to become Shoutmon DX.

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24 Aprile 2011
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