Pagina dell'episodio'

1x35 - Tokyo Mew Mew

Don't Cry, Lonely Little Zakuro

Poster della serie Tokyo Mew Mew

Ichigo meets a lonely girl named Momoka whose parents are always busy. Ichigo learns she is a fan of Zakuro, so she tells Zakuro about the girl. Zakuro later runs into the girl at a restaurant. Momoka is upset at learning her parents have cancelled their dinner plans, but Zakuro assures her that her parents still love her and invites the girl to have dinner with her instead. The next day, Momoka's parents send her a beautiful pendant that Kish believes is made of mew aqua. When the daycare holds a family picnic, Momoka's parents do not show up and the upset girl runs off. Along the way, she loses the handkerchief that Zakuro gave her. Kish offers to help her, if she gives him her pendant. Zakuro arrives to help her, but is entangled in some vines by Kish. After realizing the pendant contains no mew aqua, Kish leaves. Zakuro returns the handkerchief and pendant to Momoka. Her parents arrive for the picnic, and Zakuro feels certain they will not leave her alone again.

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30 Novembre 2002
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