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1x4 - Meteor Garden

Episode 4

Poster della serie Meteor Garden

Hua Zhe Lei was dissapointed to hear Jing's announced in her party that she was leaving for Paris to pursue her dream. The next day, Shan Cai begged her to stay in the country for Hua Zhe Lei, but she has already made up her mind. Lei then decided to follow Jing in Paris. Dao Ming Si wanted to make up with Shan Cai, so he asked her to go out with him for a date. She then decided and meet up with him, and he brought her to an expensive café in a hotel. They started arguing and ended up at the fire exit staircase, where they eventually made up, but realized that they were locked. Both of them had no choice but to spend the night there together. When Dao Ming Si was about to kiss Shan Cai, they were interrupted by a cleaner who unlocked the door. The rumours about them spending the night together in that hotel became an issue in the university.

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24 Aprile 2001
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