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1x4 - Patlabor: The New Files

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The children's TV program Together With Mother has finally been axed after 20 years, and is about to begin its final broadcast. Unfortunately, one of the cast members, Kumagoro, a man in a bear suit, has decided to take the rest of cast hostage by grabbing them with a small a Labor. He demands ¥300,000,000 and a helicopter or he'll blow up the cast. To prove his claims, he sets off a car bomb in the parking lot. Division 2 are called in, but the producers of the show seem to want to prolong the situation in order to get higher ratings. Kumagami and Noa enter the studio disguised as waitresses in order to free the hostages, but the plan does not go well. The riot police are called in after Division 2's failure, but Goto thinks they'll just inflame the situation more. However, Goto does have a plan which is so bizarre it might just work.

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21 Febbraio 1991
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