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1x4 - Her Fall Doesn't Cry

Episode 4

Poster della serie Her Fall Doesn't Cry

Serkan has saved Alize, but now they are in the middle of a new crisis due to Bahattin's indiscreet behaviour. While Alize can't explain to her friends why Bahattin calls her sister-in-law, Serkan comes to the rescue again. Serkan publicly tells everyone that he is in love with Alize so that no one suspects anything. While everyone at the hotel is still shocked by this new information, Hazal disappears. With Serkan's reasoning and tracking, Hazal is rescued from the middle of a very critical situation. On the evening of that day, things happen that will change the balance of Alize and Serkan's relationship and bring out new feelings. Nurettin and Kadir realize that Esma and Serap are in cahoots. Sinem promotes Serkan to the position of technical manager at the hotel. Alize goes to give this good news to Serkan in person, only to be disappointed by Esma and Serap's trick.

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