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1x4 - Another Love

Episode 4

Poster della serie Another Love

Although Irfan is silenced at the last moment, there will be those who cannot remain silent in the face of some atrocities. Leyla pursues the date September 7, 1995 to uncover the truth behind the murders. Ekrem is unaware that he is caught on Doğan's radar. As the pressure on him increases, the deeper he gets into, the deeper his involvement will get. Moreover, Turan now has bigger worries than his son going to prison. He will have to protect Kenan not only from the police but also from much more dangerous sides. When Ekrem, who is trying to protect his children from the truth, fails to realize the danger that awaits him, the consequences are severe. For the first time, Kenan will feel some of the pains he has suppressed. Leyla is the one who stands by his side in these moments. When they realize how veiled the truth is, Kenan will resort to an unusual way to get the answers they are looking for.

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2 Ottobre 2023
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