Pagina dell'episodio'

1x4 - Samurai Pizza Cats

The Great Golden Cluck

Poster della serie Samurai Pizza Cats

A flying demon emerges in Little Tokyo but is finally recognized as a giant gold chicken with Bad Bird as the pilot. He announces that his robot can tell the future and grant wishes - for a price. When a woman wants her husband to be cured so they can boogie again, the robot grans their wish and it comes true. Everyone rushes to the machine to receive their fortunes as Speedy notices that the first demonstrated couple was being paid by the Ninja Crows. Everyone from around the world are being granted wishes as the Big Cheese is swimming in money. Soon, Cluck decides to leave and reaches a rich man's house to talk about his investments, and the Pizza Cats arrive in time and start battling with the Ninja Crows. An octopus is released from the broken robot and begins attacking the Cats. Reinforcements for the Pizza Cats arrive and they demolish the competition.

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6 Settembre 1990
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