Pagina dell'episodio'

1x4 - Jimmy's Food Factory


Poster della serie Jimmy's Food Factory

In this programme Jimmy tries to copy some of the methods food companies use to preserve food to make it safe to eat weeks, months or even years after it is produced. Why do peas have to be frozen within hours of picking and why is factory freezing quicker than home freezing? Jimmy also attempts to suck all the water out of strawberries so they can be added to a box of breakfast cereal. Jimmy copies the factory preserving processes using a leaf blower, a vacuum cleaner, two dog bowls, and the flexible hose from an extractor fan. Jimmy also investigates what is done to chilled ready meals to make them safe to eat after a week, and is surprised to discover that the answer is not artificial preservatives but clever use of heat. He also goes inside the world's biggest baked beans factory to discover how they make canned food safe to store in our cupboards for months and even years.

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11 Novembre 2009
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