Pagina dell'episodio'

1x4 - Superman

Man of Steel.

Poster della serie Superman

A meteor comes to Earth, and it falls into the hands of Dr. Leeds, a scientist and astronomer, who examines it and classifies it as a piece of the destroyed planet Krypton. Clark Kent, having been ditched by Lois, meets with Dr. Leeds who shows him the meteor. The meteor is a glowing rock which immediately causes Kent to collapse. Leeds sees that he is not breathing and thinks him dead, but when the cover is replaced he revives. Clark reveals that he is Superman and asks the Leeds' help by destroying the rock. Leeds agrees to discard it after two days of scientific study. Leeds' assistant overhears this, and reports to The Spider Lady, expecting to be paid for the information. Lois Lane sees him getting into a car with the criminals and interferes, thinking he's being kidnapped. She, too, is kidnapped, and taken to the Spider Lady. After the Spider Lady gets the information, she pays him one dollar. The man is insulted, so she has him killed, electrocuted on her spider's web. She then orders Lois killed in the same manner.

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26 Gennaio 1948
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