Pagina dell'episodio'

1x43 - The Lone Ranger

Outlaw of the Plains

Poster della serie The Lone Ranger

The Ranger and Tonto ride through drought stricken country and encounter two recently robbed men, Clem and Sam, who has been shot. The men tell a story of being robbed of their herd. The Ranger and Tonto set out to intercept the cattle rustlers. Because of the dry conditions they can't follow tracks, and Tonto is sent to the local town for extra help. At Sam's shack the Ranger explains the situation to the other cattleman. The sheriff arrives with Tonto and talks the men out of forming a posse till the next day, however he recommends he Tonto and the Ranger should ride out that night and try to scout the rustler's position. The Lone Ranger senses a trap and agrees for the three of them to split and draw the fire of the rustlers. The ruse works and after a number of counter moves the rest of the gang is captured along with a confession by the sheriff.

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6 Luglio 1950
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