Pagina dell'episodio'

1x43 - Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

The Romance Extinguished by Evil

Poster della serie Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

The two countries of Bien and Ameria suffer from a long war. When the two countries finally make peace, their respective representatives standing for peace, Romina and Julia, get married as a symbol of peace. However, Galactor is planning to prevent the marriage of the two, to start the war again in both countries. The Science Ninja Team serves as bodyguard during the honeymoon trip. Joe thinks that the man he met in the airport, who supposedly has the same convictions as Romina, is suspicious. So he follows him, but loses sight of him near an old temple. Meanwhile, Romina and Julia are captured by Galactor robots. Ken and the others, still doing bodyguard duty, follow them, but lose sight of them. Searching the vicinities, they find the old temple. The Science Ninja Team sneak in and are attacked by a dove-shaped mecha. They fight hard, but a sun ray reflected off the compact Jun dropped, causes the dove mecha to self-destruct. When they intervene in the interior of the secret base, they discover Romina Julia, their whole bodies turned into cyborgs by Galactor. Ken offers them the possibility to escape, but they chose to die, becoming the reason for peace, rather than to live as puppets for Galactor's will. Embracing and kissing each other, the two changed cyborg bodies are wrapped in a lightning, smashing the Galactor plot to bits.

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22 Luglio 1973
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