Pagina dell'episodio'

1x47 - Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

The Devilish Airline

Poster della serie Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

In order to finish an ultracomputer, Director Anderson himself is hand-carrying the core of this computer in his private jet to the research institute in the Jetol plateau. Galactor anticipates this, and starts to move in order to steal the component before it reaches the heavily fortified research institute. The Science Ninja Team, in the God Phoenix, takes over the guard duty for the director's private jet. But the disguised Katse has already taken the place of a stewardess. Katse eliminates the pilot and has the plane flown to the base guided by radio waves. Director Anderson notices the disaster and transmits a morse code signal with the radio attached to the seat. Ken and the others receive the signal and immediately follow the director's machine with the intention of getting it back. But they end up being led to the Galactor base. Just before arriving to the base, the director escapes using the ejector seat. But the core of the computer falls into the base. The Science Ninja Team and the Galactor members start a fight in a room, but through better teamwork, the Science Ninja Team gets the component back. Having gotten back the minister and the component, they blow up the Galactor base with a rocket and head afterwards towards the research institute in the God Phoenix.

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19 Agosto 1973
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