Pagina dell'episodio'

1x48 - Tokyo Mew Mew

The Labyrinth of the Alternate Dimension! Kish's Gamble!!

Poster della serie Tokyo Mew Mew

The group is searching for mew aqua around a large rock formation in the forest when the girls and Masaya get separated. Something strange begins happening and everyone transforms. Masaya transforms into the Blue Knight, but falls from the rock and returns to normal. Kish confronts him and reveals that he cannot maintain his Blue Knight form if he is not protecting Ichigo. The alien moves to kill Masaya, but Mew Ichigo transports and appears between them. Masaya is knocked unconscious as Kish tries to kill Ichigo. This triggers Masaya's transformation, but his powers go out of control due to his rage at Kish. The other Mew Mews teleport to Mew Ichigo just in time to put up a shield around her as the rock explodes from the Blue Knight's power. Masaya returns to normal, seemingly unharmed. Kish tells Pie and Tart that the Blue Knight is the one who can save them.

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1 Marzo 2003
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