Pagina dell'episodio'

1x48 - Sket Dance

Happy Rebirthday

Poster della serie Sket Dance

Funzō thanks Bossun for helping his sons and does a super rolling grovel out of the window. In the maid cafe, Funzō makes an order to Moe with his sons. Then, Akane and Rumi arrive to the maid cafe. Akane marvels about how beautiful Himeko has become. Rumi asks Switch about Bossun's relationship with Himeko and wonders if Bossun will be after his little sister. Switch replies that they are friends and assures her that Bossun would never go after Rumi that way. Outside, Dr. Tsubaki finds Bossun, and he begins apologizing to Bossun once he and Bossun are on the roof. When Dr. Tsubaki states that there is someone who shares his blood, Bossun recalls his father's letter. He realizes that he has a twin brother. Dr. Tsubaki states that he has harboring this secret for 17 years and says that his son had already found out. Bossun thinks back hard and realizes that Sasuke is his twin brother. Meanwhile, Sōjirō and his student council group wonder where Sasuke is.

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8 Marzo 2012
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