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1x5 - SF8

Baby It’s Over Outside

Poster della serie SF8

The world is going to end in one week’s time. As the end approaches, people reveal all sorts of hidden aptitudes, even psychic abilities. Hye Hwa tries to prevent the world from coming to an end with Kim Nam Woo, a forever-single type, who just feels lonely, even at that critical moment. Can they save the world and start loving? One week is enough time for the world to end, but not enough for love to begin. For the time being, there aren’t many things left to do, but the end of the world would be the moment I disappear. However, if I existed somewhere else, the world would carry on regardless. "Baby It’s Over Outside" holds a question about the existence of both the world and us. All the characters in the film are adorable, particularly the psychics who come forward to save the world: Hye Hwa, who is embarrassed about her trivial abilities, and Nam Woo, who believes he has met Hye Hwa before.

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11 Settembre 2020
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