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1x5 - The Real Housewives of Orange County

Cut the P and Lem out of Problem and you get ROB

Poster della serie The Real Housewives of Orange County

Jeana's son Colton breaks his hand in a fight about drugs. Kimberly and her family hire a "dog guru" to deal with their out-of-control dog. Later, a routine trip to the doctor leaves Kimberly quite concerned. Now in the workforce, Jo is struggling to keep up with her responsibilities around the house. Slade bonds with his sons over his exotic – and pricey – costume collection. A lost bet to Slade forces Jo to do housework – in a very sexy outfit. Vicki interrupts Briana's date, fearing her daughter is too serious with her boyfriend, Colby. Unemployed Donn begins a renovation of a home nearby, and Michael finally gets a job. Vicki and Lauri's attempt at after-work cocktails in the Jacuzzi is crashed by Michael and his friends, who are all smitten with Lauri. Lauri is thrilled when her son Josh is finally released from juvenile hall, but is upset when Ashley refuses to attend the celebration.

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18 Aprile 2006
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