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1x5 - Old Fashion Cupcake

Two Umbrellas With Falling Emotions

Poster della serie Old Fashion Cupcake

Although Nozue is ultimately unable to accept Togawa's confession, Togawa hopes that the two can continue their usual boss and subordinate relationship at the office. The next day, they spend time together as if nothing has happened. Although Nozue wishes to behave more naturally, Togawa's lingering presence makes him feel awkward. Even if he tells himself that he is just a boss, Nozue just can't seem to avoid thinking about Togawa. At the same time, Nozue and Kirishima meet for a meal and Kirishima invites Nozue to become the head of the new department of the company. Nozomu, who has never been interested in promotion until now, decides to think positively about Kirishima's invitation. However, If Nozue is to take the promotion, Nozue will no longer be able to meet Togawa.

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4 Luglio 2022
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