Pagina dell'episodio'

1x5 - Titans

Frisky Business

Poster della serie Titans

Heather is furious when Richard approves renovations on Gwen's hotels instead of giving more money to Dress2K. Chandler considers escaping his problems by returning to the Navy, but Richard angrily dissuades him. Peter spies Chandler and Heather in the midst of an intense conversation. Through a series of very fortunate circumstances, he learns that Heather may have visited a Hawaiian hotel around the same time that Chandler had a fling with a young brunette at the same establishment. He hacks into the hotel computer and obtains surveillance camera footage of Chandler and Heather having an elevator tryst. Peter blackmails Heather into turning over control of Dress2K to him. He quells Samantha's suspicions by putting her in charge of the company. A guilt-ridden Chandler decides to confess the affair to his father. He and Peter burst into Richard's bedroom to find that he has collapsed with a heart attack while having sex with Heather. Jenny decides to become more involved with the club,

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1 Novembre 2000
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