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1x5 - Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!

Assault! Count Brocken

Poster della serie Mazinger Edition Z: The Impact!

As the battle with Garada K7 continues, Juuzou shows Kouji how to use the devastating "Rust Hurricane" attack, destroying Garada K7 instantly. Ashura then sends out Doubla M2, who begins to use Photon Energy attacks upon Mazinger Z. The attacks fail, however, as Mazinger Z is revealed to have been made from Super Alloy Z, allowing him to absorb the blast. Juuzou then teaches Kouji one last attack: The deadly "Breast Fire" technique, destroying Doublas with a blast of energy. Kouji, Shiro, and Ankokuji's rejoicing is short lived, however, as Juuzou dies moments afterwords. Infuriated, Kouji chases down Ashura in the Mazinger, grabbing him and nearly crushing him, before Sayaka and her comrades arrive to try and calm Kouji down. Ashura then escapes Mazinger's grasp, causing Kouji to let loose another Breast Fire attack, which Sayaka blocks using Aphrodai A. As Sayaka, and her father, Prof. Yumi, help Kouji to calm down, the plane carrying Prof.

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2 Maggio 2009
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