Pagina dell'episodio'

1x5 - Kyo Kara Maoh!

Sailors and a Spoiled Brat

Poster della serie Kyo Kara Maoh!

Yuri, Conrad, and Wolfram set sail on a ship to Van da Via island where the demon sword, Morgif, is rumored to be located. On the ship there Yuri meets a ships apprentice named Rick, a merchant named Heathcrife and his daughter Beatrice. That night a group of pirates board the ship they're on. Conrad hid Wolfram and Yuri in a closet from the pirates but Yuri makes a cat noise and gets them caught. Yuri tries reason them that their actions are wrong, but when he sees one of the pirates dragging Beatrice he is angered and brings out his magic. He successfully repels the pirates with a monster made of the bones the humans have thrown on the ground. Conrad, Wolfram, and Yuri are put in a cell but Jozak frees them and they escape in a boat.

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1 Maggio 2004
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