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1x5 - The Challenge

Road Rules All Stars: Fresh Squeezed Creative Juices

Poster della serie The Challenge

It's the following day and Cynthia has cooled off and decided since the trip is almost over, she will stay. They arrive at their next mission site, which is a improv theater called 'The Groundlings'. They find out that they will be spending the day learning the art of improv and then will have to perform a show that night to a sold-out crowd. They do many exercizes through out the day that help them understand the art of improv. By 5:30, the teacher believes they have the basics down and they are ready for the show at 8. At showtime, they each start getting nervous to perform in front of a crowd. Throughout the show they do many skits, but they end with a surprise one. ""The REAL Real World"". Each of the castmates will have to play one of their roommates from their season picked by the audience in a whole new Real World show. Eric is given Kevin, Jon is given Dominic, Rachel is given Puck

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18 Maggio 1998
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