Pagina dell'episodio'

1x54 - Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Gatchaman Burning with Rage

Poster della serie Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Katse, who got into his stride by the funeral of Red Impulse, plans to destroy institutions related to uranium in the whole world. The representatives from all the countries assemble at the ISO, and a conference to discuss countermeasures is opened. The Science Ninja Team acts as guard. Ken alone separates himself from his friends, lost in mourning over the death of his father. At that time, he discovers a dead body in the middle of a fountain. Because the flag of the country of Atarii is attached to the body, Ken penetrates into the conference room and captures the Galactor who poses as the representative of the Atarii country. After returning to Crescent Coral, Ken makes the man spit out the location of the headquarters by continuously torturing him. Nambu slaps Ken, saying that his behaviour is not excusable by the fact that the man is a Galactor. Ken turn his back towards Nambu and forces the other members of the Science Ninja Team to go with him. Guided by the man, they go to the location. But in the base, which is only a common one, they encounter an ambush by Katse. They end up getting trapped in a room with walls made from ice from the north pole. Katse raises the room's temperature, thus causing the ice to slowly melt. He then leaves to attack the uranium institutions. Joe and the others blame Ken, that his behavior, which is solely aimed at revenge, caused all this. Ken wails whether they know how it feels to have a father killed. Jun rebukes him that he is not the only one without parents. Those words cause Ken to get back his calmness. The Science Ninja Team escape from the ice chamber and blow up the base. They pursue the Mecha in the God Phoenix and demolish it with their missiles.

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7 Ottobre 1973
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