Pagina dell'episodio'

1x55 - Buzz Lightyear of Star Command

Large Target

Poster della serie Buzz Lightyear of Star Command

Team Lightyear routinely busts some arms smugglers, who are working for Keno Kentrix (a Bathyosian night-club/casino owner on Mahambas 6, who is arranging some arms deals for Zurg...and who sounds a whole lot like Frank Sinatra...). After their successful mission, they co-incidentally set out for Mahambas 6 for some vacation-time. Due to a ban on robots in the casino, XR disguises himself as Booster in order to gamble; gamble he does, and pretty much cleans out the house, much to Keno's ire. Keno puts a bounty of 10,000,000 Uni-Bucks on Booster's head, which prompts Keno's bodyguards, Warp Darkmatter, Lardak Lurdak, a handful of Gargantian Militants, two Tangean Grounders, and a few other bounty hunters to try to gun down Booster. XR re-disguises himself as Booster and turns himself in. When Booster arrives to save XR, Keno (and all of the assorted riff-raff) decides to just wipe out the both of them. Piqued by the sound of gun-fire, Buzz steps in (with a triple sun-burnt Mira) t

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27 Novembre 2000
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