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1x6 - My Super Sweet 16


Poster della serie My Super Sweet 16

Sierra is a 14-year-old diva who decides, instead of a sweet 16, to throw a sweet 15. She compares herself to the likes of Beyonce and Diana Ross. She hopes to one day be a celebrity like her Dad, rapper Cee-Lo. For Sierra's entrance, she wants to be lowered in by a helicopter by rope. The helicopter techs say there may be some issues concerning safety. Sierra says either she wants to be lowered in by rope or not have the helicopter at all. Sierra chooses to make think out of the box and makes edible invitations. She has two different varieties -- both small cakes. One pink and labeled with an S (for Sierra). The other brown and labeled with an L and a V (for Louis Vuitton). Sierra hires models to deliver the invitations. She makes sure the models say to the invitee, ""No gift? No party."" When Sierra goes to look for her dress at Bow Wow's mom's store she is surprised to find him there. She invites him to her party. He accepts the invitation and says he will be there. Afterward, Sierra

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22 Febbraio 2005
Questo sito non serve a guardare Serie TV, ma solo a segnarle come "viste" per tenerne traccia!
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