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1x6 - Doctor in the House

Rallying Round

Poster della serie Doctor in the House

Mike is trying to study while the boys are organising a car rally. They're one short & convince Mike to join them. Mike & his partner Fiona get lost & Fiona drives to her sister's place for directions. While they are there a storm breaks so they have to spend the night. In the middle of the night Fiona's sister goes into labour & they want Mike to deliver the baby, Mike asks them to send for a Doctor & goes back to sleep. The baby is coming and Mike's panicking, he asks if there's any one who can deliver the baby. The cook comes into the room & tells them he can deliver the baby. Mike accompanys him,but feints when the baby is delivered. Next day, the other students arrive at the house & think Mike was the one who delivered the baby & congratulate him.

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16 Agosto 1969
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