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1x6 - Punch Line

It's New Year's Eve, Meikaemon

Poster della serie Punch Line

As Kenji and Mikatan arrive on the scene, the Turtle Man reveals he possesses the same Über-fy powers they do and fights back. However, Kenji, who is able to perceive Yūta, creates an opportunity for him to possess Rabura and defeat the intruder, with Meika also surviving. Afterwards, the girls discover the intruder was Ito's homeroom teacher Chihaya Tomoda, who, out of a deranged love for Ito, allowed himself to be possessed by QMay Tsubouchi's spirit in order to carry out revenge against the students who bullied Ito. The next day, the girls hold a New Year's Party, during which Meika reveals that Yūta is biologically female, later telling Ito about how she came to meet Mikatan. After Kenji helps out Mikatan, who needs to take medication to counter the side effects of her powers, the meteorite in orbit suddenly starts hurtling towards Earth. Revealing himself to be Yūta's future self, Kenji gives Yūta the Nandala-Gandala, which is blank except for the word "U-turn", and tells Yūta that in order to regain possession of his body and prevent Earth's destruction, he must go back in time to the point where it all began.

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15 Maggio 2015
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