Pagina dell'episodio'

1x6 - TaleSpin

It Came from Beneath the Sea Duck

Poster della serie TaleSpin

Baloo and Becky go shopping and Kit is left with the responsibility of babysitting Molly. Kit has his hands full, until Molly's favorite radio program, 'Danger Woman,' comes on. During the commercial break, Molly wants ice cream. They were instructed not to go further then the corner store. Meanwhile, Don Karnage sends Mad Dog and Dump Truck to steal goods from Cape Suzette via sub. When they cut through the net that keeps all sea creatures from entering Cape Suzette's harbor, A giant squid follows them. When Molly's wagon rolls all the way down to the docks, Kit asks Molly not to tell her mom how far away they strayed. However, Becky heard everything and told Kit that he was reckless and irresponsible. But when the apartment building is attacked by the squid and the pirates on the loose, Kit's job of protecting Molly is far from over.

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11 Settembre 1990
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