Pagina dell'episodio'

1x6 - The Incredible Hulk

Bruce Banner Unmasked

Poster della serie The Incredible Hulk

General Ross makes the capture of the Hulk Gamma Base's primary objective. Meanwhile, the villainous Puppet Master sets up operation in Mesa City, and begins controlling everyone in the town, with the Hulk also in his sights. Major Talbot is granted control over the new Hulkbuster armed forces, and Betty uses the Garth 7 multi-processor to find out further info about the Hulk. Banner alters the computer's programming, protecting his identity, while the Puppet Master attempts to take control over the Hulk's mind using one of his atomic puppets. At the same time, Rick, Rita and Rio are visiting Alicia Masters, the Puppet Master's daughter in Mesa City who has created a sculpture of Betty. Rio falls under her father's control, and Alicia, realising what has happened, gets Rick and Rita to safety. Betty finds out that Bruce altered the computer's programming and goes to tell her father. Soon however, the Puppet Master's new Hulk puppet is activated and forces Banner to change into the Hulk

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23 Ottobre 1982
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