Pagina dell'episodio'

1x6 - Stargate Infinity

Hot Water

Poster della serie Stargate Infinity

Arriving on a waterworld, the team makes for a nearby island after losing one of their vehicles while Da'kyll reports to Hah'lak that he knows where Draga is. The councilman sends a pair of bounty hunters after them behind Da'kyll's back. Ec'co, Draga, and Seattle get captured by the local amphibious natives and take the rest of the team to meet them. The locals, the Su'ri, welcome them once they are sure of the ""landers""' motives. The bounty hunters negotiate with Sargall, one of the younger members, to have him turn over the team in return for medicine. Driven by jealousy toward Harrison, Sargall helps the mercenaries by helping them capture Seattle to lure in Draga and then challenges Harrison to a dangerous race. While Gus tries to rescue R.J., Draga gets captured and Ec'co and Stacey give pursuit. Harrison rescues Sargall from a monster and then Gus leads the monster to the escaping mercenaries as they enter the Stargate without their captives and it ends up attacking a waiting Ha

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19 Ottobre 2002
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