Pagina dell'episodio'

1x62 - Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

The Snow Devil Blizzarder

Poster della serie Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

A celebration is held in order to praise the merits of the Science Ninja Team. However, the participants are super robots. They were invented by Nambu with purpose. His plan is to let them be intentionally captured by Galactor. Then based on their message, learn where the location of the enemy base is, have the real Science Ninja Team sneak in there. But Ken thinks that the enemy will not be fooled by them, so he takes the place of his robot. As Nambu intended, a Galactor mecha appears, freezes the robots and Ken with a freeze ray, and takes them to the base. After being thawed, Ken mingles with the robots and sends a bird scramble. The God Phoenix receives the signal and hurries towards the base. But the robots explode upon touching high voltage electrical current. It becomes obvious that they are fakes. The mecha is deployed. Ken sneaks in the mecha and throws robots' debris into the propulsion system. The mecha crashes and goes up in flames. Ken is dead. With their breath held, his comrades look at the screen in the God Phoenix for a long time. Before them, Ken's figure appears slowly falling, having escaped by using the robot's capes as a parachute.

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2 Dicembre 1973
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