Pagina dell'episodio'

1x631 - Case Closed

What the Floral Clock Knew

Poster della serie Case Closed

For the past few days, Ayumi has been practicing her baton throws in the local park and has noticed a strange man watching her. One day while accompanied with her friends, the strange man is found dead. The police conclude it to be an accidental death after he fell from climbing the infrastructure. Since the victim was found with a cut on his face on the 6 of the floral clock, they presume the death to be at 4:30. Conan realizes the victim, Shousaku Yoda, is not the strange man and that the murderer impersonated him to have the Detective Boys become witnesses to his death. The police investigate Kyouichirou Kawaguchi, a man who bears a grudge against the victim, but has an alibi for the presumed time of death. After Conan investigates, he gathers the police and reveals Yoda's time of death was false. Kawaguchi murdered Yoda on the 6 but climbed across the clock to scratch his face on the 12.

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17 Settembre 2011
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