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1x7 - SF8

Love Virtually

Poster della serie SF8

In the near future, more than half of the world population uses ‘Love Virtually’, a virtual app. People find the partners they want with whose face they want, using a ‘Love Virtually’ ID, which becomes a general trend. A couple creates their IDs with their faces before plastic surgery and develops their love for each other. On the anniversary of the 100th day of their first meeting through the app, the couple is about to make love, but the app is down. Love Virtually is a rom-com about a couple searching for true love in a world where virtual reality is the norm by mixing the real world and virtual reality. Both in the real world and virtual reality, they meet each other before and after cosmetic surgery; the world’s standards for appearance might be meaningless for people trying to find their other half. The important thing is ‘the apple of my eye’, regardless of the real or virtual world.

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25 Settembre 2020
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