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1x7 - Line Walker

Episode 7

Poster della serie Line Walker

SIU-KA loses a lot of money and she tries to take the money back by making KA-KEUNG drunk. However, she is drunk as well eventually. They end up sleeping together and SIU-KA's foster mother discovers it. SIU-KA has no choice but to claim that KA-KEUNG is her boyfriend. After breaking up with HO-KAN, SIN-YAN starts dating with SHIU-LEUNG. In order to gain trust from TAT-FU, HO-KAN goes to the night club with him but he meets SIN-YAN accidentally. In order to disturb FOON-HEI's illegal betting business, TAT-FU asks somebody to inform the police secretly. SHIU-LEUNG captures the whole team but he is not able to find any evidence against FOON-HEI. On the other hand, TAT-FU loses a lot of money from investments and the police is looking for him. The senior management of ICAC decides to suspend the investigation on CHEUK HOI but SIN-YAN tries to monitor CHEUK HOI even harder.… ...

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