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1x73 - Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

Pursue Katse!

Poster della serie Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

The Science Ninja Team vanquishes another mecha and has let Katse escape yet again. With Nambu's transmission, they follow the course of Katse's rocket. However, Katse has switched to a car and heads towards a jungle. The Science Ninja Team descends towards the jungle as well in his pursuit and separates into three parties, searching for Katse. X receives an SOS signal from Katse and, together with sending a commando unit, takes additional steps by setting traps in the jungle. Joe criticizes Ryu for approaching a trap unprepared. But when he distrusts a wounded young deer, Ryu retorts that there's nobody more insensitive than Joe. Meanwhile, Jinpei discovers Katse and corners him, but is in turn caught by the commando unit. Before an ice covered mammoth, Joe and Ryu discover Jinpei about to be turned into a human sacrifice. They save him and additionally corner Katse, who changed into a shinto-priest. But Katse seeks refuge in the mammoth mecha and attacks Joe and the others. They are saved by a hair's breadth by the God Phoenix and Joe wants to shoot a rocket into the mecha. But when he sees a group of deer below the mecha, he hesitates. Luring the mecha into the mountains, they shoot at the ground below the mecha with a rocket. The mecha disappears into an avalanche. The Science Ninja Team is wrong in assuming that, because of the jungle with the traps set, the headquarter is nearby. Its existence is however still shrouded in the fog.

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17 Febbraio 1974
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