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1x8 - I Love us

Episode 8

Poster della serie I Love us

Life is like a beautiful journey, where we meet two types of passengers, first are those who meet us only for a brief period. But they touch our lives so deeply that even after they leave, they are with us forever in our memories and Second are those who not only take the journey with us, but become our destination. It’s a love story of Shreya Rajput & Ananya Mitra, into this alluring love journey, enters Ashutosh Garewal, who has this undeniable connection with Ananya. The connection is so strong that unknowingly Ananya is also drawn towards him. Seeing the proximity and comfort between Ashutosh & Ananya, it starts bothering Shreya. It worries her so much that Shreya starts doubting her own love. Will these insecurities lead them to dark side or would they conquer and rise in love. In this quirky, romantic love journey who will be the passenger and who will become the ultimate LOVE destination.

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21 Gennaio 2018
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