Pagina dell'episodio'

1x8 - The Jewel in the Crown

The Day of the Scorpion

Poster della serie The Jewel in the Crown

Returning to Pankot from her trip to Calcutta, Sarah Layton meets Count Bronowski and Nigel Rowan at the train station in Ranpur. Also accompanied by Ahmed Kassim, they are on their way to visit the imprisoned political leader Mohammed Ali Kassim, Ahmed's father, who is known colloquially as MAK. They are there to tell him that his eldest son Sayed, a King's Commissioned officer, is under arrest for having joined the Indian National Army and fighting for the Japanese. Having been ordered out of Rose Cottage by a spiteful Mildred Layton, Barbie Batchelor finds herself residing with the Peplows as a paying guest . She is shocked however at the rumors that are circulating about her. Having given birth to a baby boy, Susan begins to suffer from depression and puts the child's life in danger.

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27 Febbraio 1984
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