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1x8 - Star Trek: The Animated Series

The Magicks of Megas-tu

Poster della serie Star Trek: The Animated Series

While on a mission at the center of the galaxy, the Enterprise are swept through the center of everything and end up in an alien world where all laws of nature and physics fail to work. They are rescued from total system collapse and death by a satyrlike creature named Lucien. He claims to be happy to have them finally come visiting, but preaches caution. Spock deduces that magic actually works in this universe, but the Enterprise crew's experimental use of it attracts the attention of Lucien's people. They came to Earth and practiced magic, but were hated, feared, and driven out. They put the Enterprise crew on trial in a mock Salem but it is actually Lucien they consider at fault. They agree to let the Enterprise go but condemn Lucien to eternal imprisonment. Defending Lucien, Kirk challenges the court ruling and uses magic himself to fend off the Chief Prosecutor. Impressed by Kirk's willingness to die for Lucien, who may have been the inspiration for Lucifer, the Megans send the En

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27 Ottobre 1973
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