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1x8 - The Incredible Hulk

It Lives! It Grows! It Destroys!

Poster della serie The Incredible Hulk

At Gamma Base, Dr. Proto is attempting to create a new form of life, and proceeds to draw power from Bruce Banner's new Gammatron experiments against Banner's request. After nearly destroying the Gammatron, Dr. Proto's experiment works and he creates a deadly organism, that looks like yellow slime and can eat through almost anything. That night, the organism is locked away in the lab refrigerator, but Proto forgets to cover the silicon container, and it grows outside of its container once everyone has left. Banner goes to Proto's lab and is trapped in a net while the slime approaches him. He becomes the Hulk and breaks out of the base while the organism continues to eat its way through the lab. The Hulk turns back into Banner, who heads back to Proto's lab to figure out a way to stop the creature. Proto tells him that the life-form is part fungus, and so Banner appropriates a weed killer to halt the slime's progress. The strategy fails, and Proto decides to split the nuclei of the slim

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6 Novembre 1982
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