Pagina dell'episodio'

1x8 - The Magician

The Man who Lost Himself

Poster della serie The Magician

Magician Anthony Blake is setting up for a fund raising performance outside a church when a man, chased by two pursuers, stumbles onto the stage, trips over a piece of the rigging, and causes a scaffolding to collapse. The next scene finds Tony and the man, who he later finds out is named George, in a hospital room, Tony with a few bruises and George with amnesia. When the pursuers find George at the hospital, Tony rescues him and brings him to his friend, Max Pomeroy. Showing him a few pictures, Tony and Max are able to jog George's memory about an acquaintance, racecar driver Tim Dunnagin, whom George immediately runs out to see. Dunnagin reminds George that they were involved in a robbery 30 years earlier and that $1.6 million worth of loot is still hidden. Only George will be able to remember where it is--if he is able to get his memory back--but Dunnagin can be ruthless as well as impatient.

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11 Dicembre 1973
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