Pagina dell'episodio'

1x87 - Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

The Triple Joint Mecha Patogila

Poster della serie Science Ninja Team Gatchaman

While on patrol, Jinpei falls in love at first sight with a girl in a holiday house in the mountains. When Jinpei returns, he sees in the news that Maria, the daughter of a great multi-millionaire, has been abducted. He learns that that girl was Maria. Jinpei rescues Maria alone. However, a boy who took on six grown-up men and who disappeared without saying his name raises the suspicion of the local police chief, who is one of Galactor's men. Because there are policemen who saw Jinpei's face, the whole department is sent to search for the boy. A letter from Maria reaches Jinpei. Jinpei meets her in an amusement park which she mentioned in her letter. Maria says Jinpei had asked her to come here. Jinpei notices that it's a trap. Katse, in the look-out tower, orders Patogila to reveal the true face of Jinpei. Meanwhile, the God Phoenix is mobilized because of a crayfish mecha. However, they can't contact Jinpei because of interfering radio waves. And because Jinpei was invited by a letter, even though as a member of the Science Ninja Team no one knows his address, they become suspicious and go to the amusement park. When the four of them arrive at the amusement park, they have a dummy of Jinpei with them and show its face in the top dome. Jun throws the dummy into the other side of the building Jinpei is in. Jinpei transforms and joins them in the God Phoenix. Now they can defeat Patogila with the Bird Missiles. Jinpei visits Maria who has been brought to the hospital. His comrades watch him with concern. Jinpei, having left her room, endures the pain of not meeting her again until Galactor has been defeated.

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26 Maggio 1974
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